Polonya Erasmus+ Projesi

We are looking 2 participant’s who will join for APV meeting “Generation 4.0 Youth exchange”
About the project: The main goals of the project are to expand the knowledge and competencies of participants in key areas related to today’s work environment. The project not only aims to impart knowledge but also to leave a lasting impact in the form of concrete results obtained during group work. These results should be accessible and useful to all interested parties, even those unable to participate in project activities.
APV will be held in Katowice, Poland most activities will be done in the office of the hosting NGO – ul. Mariacka 37/6, Katowice.
APV Meeting Hotel is covered for two nights 27.02.2024 and 28.02.2024. Most of the activities will be done on 27.02 (afternoon and evening) and 28.02 (full day).
Food and accommodation will be covered by the hosting NGO. During APV we will discuss all the responsibilities and tasks, special needs of the participants and the timetable. Each partner NGO is asked to send two representatives for the APV meeting, the same people will be attenging the main meeting as well.
APV toplantısı için seçilecek katılımcılar; seyahat masraflarını ilk etapta kendileri karşılayacaktır. Boarding pass, biletler ve faturalar saklanıp APV meeting de ev sahibi derneğe teslim edecektir. Toplantı’nın bitiş tarihinden itibaren maksimum 2 ay içerisinde ev sahibi dernek ödemelerinizi hesabınıza Euro olarak geri yatıracaktır.
Not: Seyahat masrafları harcamaları maksimum 275 Euro’ya kadar geri karşılanmaktadır.
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Polonya Erasmus+ Projesi
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