İspanya’da 2 Ay ESC Projesi
İspanya Malaga’da gerçekleştirilecek kısa dönem ESC projesi için yeşil pasaportlu acil 1 gönüllü seçilecektir.
Proje Tarihleri: 07.12.2023- 06.02.2023 (2 ay)
Başvuru için CV’nizi adresine mail gönderiniz.
Proje Bilgi paketi:

The main objective of the Neighbourhood Association is to work with the local
people to try to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and
responding to the social challenges they face every day: cultural diversity,
unemployment, lack of social involvement, social exclusion, promotion of sports,
gender equality, care of environment, etc.
The volunteers will work on various topics, in the morning the main activity will be
assisting teachers in the schools in the area and in the afternoon you will
collaborate in the activities that the association has to support social collectives.
What we do in the project ?
During the semesters, we help the teachers prepare the class, we make
activities that promote human rights, gender equality, intercultural
exchange, nonviolent communication, social skills, etc.
During summer we organize summer camps for the children from all
ages in El Torcal neighbourhood.
Volunteers are also taking part in the activities in the association. For
example football trainings, english classes, salsa classes, intercultural,
events, handcraft workshop, promoting volunteering and ESC
programs, etc.
We are open to volunteers ́ new ideas.
İspanya’da 2 Ay ESC Projesi
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